You are Not an Entreprenuer If…

The thought of starting your own business to generate good profit seems lucrative. Doesn’t it? However, if you lack the skills or motivation to carry it forward, the venture will eventually bite the dust. In case you are planning to take the plunge into starting your own business, make sure you have got what it takes to be an entrepreneur. Have a self reflection and see if you cast yourself in any one of them,

Your ultimate goal is to be rich

Yes, it’s true that entrepreneurship is an effective way to make money but if money is the only reason you are harvesting this seed for, then it may not really reap juicy fruits. There has to be a bigger goal than that. There has to be some problem you want to solve.

If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it – J.D.Rockefeller

You aren’t self-driven

Self-motivation is imperative for a successful entrepreneur. You should have the passion to complete tasks even when you don’t feel like it. Besides, heavily depending on someone else to get things done is not a good trait to have. Your enthusiasm should be enough to keep the ball rolling and drive you to your goal.

You can’t fake passion – Barbara Corcoran

You have signed up for the deal under peer pressure

If you don’t have the true desire to start a new venture and are in it just because many others are doing the same then drop the idea right there. Entrepreneurship is not everyone’s cup of tea. Many people tend to jump on the bandwagon and fall off soon as they lack the traits and are wot willing to sacrifice the comfort of their lives.

You stress out under pressure

Starting up a business, on your own, invites situations that revolve around indecision, instability and insecurity. Failure and learning go hand in hand. Panicking in difficult times will take you nowhere. Accept challenges and tackle the pressure from every angle possible, otherwise drop the idea of entrepreneurship.

You don’t usually step out of your comfort zone

Are you scared of stepping out of your comfort zone? Well, it’s high time to battle this fear if you wish to take up entrepreneurship. No two days are ever same in the life cycle of a business. If you expect things to always go smooth, pop your bubble right here. Learn to be okay with being uncomfortable.

You don’t like to get your hands dirty

Although entrepreneurs are meant to be leaders but they also engage in menial tasks to support team members and to boost business growth. Often, you find yourself doing stuff so basic that it’s delegated to the entry level employee in any company.

You are not a hard worker

Entrepreneurship equals hard work, so if you are someone who prefers the easy way out, this is not your cup of tea. There will be crucial times when you will be required to make all the right moves despite the wrong ones already made and this calls for sheer determination. There is no off after 6 PM in your business. It’s a 24/7 job.

Work until expensive becomes cheap

You care too much about everyone’s feelings

If your mission in life is to make everyone happy, you may take up philanthropy. Entrepreneurs have to make tough decisions and there are always a few stakeholders who remain unhappy with them. The secret is to do what you have to do despite the objections from others.

You are not good in time management

Can’t manage your time effectively? Why are you even thinking about becoming an entrepreneur then? To o be successful, you should master the art of juggling your work and personal life. If you are always panicking about not having sufficient time to achieve a deadline, most likely you won’t be able to go far.

You do not have a confident personality

A low confidence level is not going to take you far on the road. You should be able to feel positive about your business despite others going against it. Don’t just think that your idea is good enough, know that it’s the best and convince the world in believing so too.

So what do you think? Are you fit to be a successful entrepreneur or not?