Introducing #YouSubmit

Amid these crisis when everyone is putting their best efforts in whatever capacity they can, has taken a small step to help startups and established tech companies to use our platform to showcase their products and services.
#YouSubmit enables you to use the form in the link below to submit your updates that we expect to be relevant to guidelines of our platform.
Here are the categories you can post,

For quality control, adapt the style in posts of same category  e.g. for a ‘startup’ look at posts in  or for an app review, have a look at SIMSIM App review, If its a press release, submit in News category.

Make sure that your submission is of good quality. Copy/Paste URLs for videos or extra images that you want to be included.  Your submission will be reviewed asap!.

Last word, we will stick with our promise of quality content over quantity and spread more clarity!

 YOU  Submit! #YouSubmitWithClarity #YouSubmit