Being at the forefront of fintech explosion in Pakistan, JazzCash has launched the Online Banking portal for masses to manage their banking needs. The launch shows importance and commitment towards making online or mobile banking experience easier and widespread.
According to Aniqa Afzal Sandhu – Chief Digital & Financial Services Officer at Jazz, said:
The new Mobile App and Online Banking is aimed at offering an even better experience to our Mobile Account customers. This is an important milestone to further scale up the use of JazzCash Mobile Account.
JazzCash Online Banking Portal
Existing JazzCash Mobile Account customers can access Online Banking by visiting JazzCash Online, while the new customers can register here: RegistrationPortal. Key highlights of the portal include,
Handling Finances: All the base usecases are covered including, money transfer, bill or normal payments, and top ups for air time. To transfer money to any recipient, via CNIC, bank, or mobile number, you have to add them as beneficiary.
Accessibility: The simplified service allows customers to instantly review their recent transactions and initiate all transactions from a single screen. In addition, users can view their recent activity, promotions, and more.
Security: The Online Banking is secured with beneficiary management allowing customers to securely and safely perform their financial transactions. Either its registration or making transactions, a 2 factor authentication is required. To complete any transaction, the user must enter the codes sent as one time password (OTP) on SMS and a one time verification code on email.
Here is the dashboard of Online Banking portal. Interesting parts of this dashboard include the transparency of account balance (right top), recent activity (right middle), and the alerts or communication box (right bottom).

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If you are a business and want to accept digital payments then learn how JazzCash Payment Gateway can help you. Here is the link, JazzCash Payment Gateway